Then, we show you how to upload the widget in IBM InfoSphere ™ MashupHub and add it to the user palette. 随后,我们展示了如何在IBMInfoSphere™MashupHub中上传小部件并将其添加到用户面板。
That's why the toolbar has the most commonly used features accessible all the time, and can be expanded to show the detailed palette when you need it. 这也是工具栏拥有随时可访问的常用特性且可以根据您的需要扩展为显示详细调色板的原因所在。
In this installment and the next one, I'll show how you can expand your DSL-building palette to include more-expressive languages that run on the Java platform, starting with Groovy ( see Resources). 在本期以及下一期中,我将向您介绍如何扩展您的DSL构建调板,包含更富于表现力的在Java平台上运行的语言,从Groovy开始(见参考资料)。
Click on function symbol left of the Back button to show the functions palette. 点击Back按钮左侧的方法符号,显示函数面板。
Examples show that the stress palette produced this way can clearly express the stress distributions and their variations, and that it shows a better effect than the present stress contour lines. 简述了通用的有限元后处理中位移图和等应力线的生成方法,分析并提出了新的应力调色图的生成算法,该法简单且快速。